Electrifying All U.S. Trucks Is Possible—Here’s How

Source: Evergreen Action


There’s a solution to cleaning up decades-long pollution in port and freight communities, and it comes down to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalizing a strong clean trucks rule. With a rule that sets a clear path to the end of combustion trucks, we can finally clean up communities blighted by decades of truck pollution all over this country and build a world-leading, electrified, and reliable supply chain for the critical freight sector—creating good jobs and clearer skies.

A strong rule is possible—because electrifying our trucks and building out charging infrastructure is possible. And a strong rule is absolutely necessary—because addressing transportation pollution means advancing environmental justice, cleaner air, healthier communities, and a more livable planet. 

But some truck manufacturers—like Volvo and Daimler—and their trade associations, like the Engine and Truck Manufacturing Association (EMA) and American Trucking Association (ATA), are putting up a fight against these clean air and clean truck standards behind closed doors. Despite taking millions in public money for their new electric trucks. 

Read more: Electrifying All U.S. Trucks Is Possible—Here’s How