Citing racial disparities and rising gas rates, groups call for building electrification

July 6, 2023

Source: Energy News Network


Illinois consumer and environmental groups are arguing in filings before the state commerce commission that there is racial disparity and “environmental racism” in Peoples Gas’ record of disconnection and reconnection in Chicago, as the utility seeks approval for a record $402 million rate increase. 

In the rate case for Peoples Gas (23-0069), they are urging the commission to pursue “restorative justice” to address these disparities. And they are arguing that building electrification could substantially reduce the energy burden on low-income households.

Peoples Gas has proposed increasing rates significantly to pay for replacing aging pipelines; it says most of the pipes in its system need replacement by 2030. Public interest groups are saying the utility should instead invest in improving customers’ energy efficiency and other “non-pipe alternatives” to meet demand.

They are asking the Illinois Commerce Commission to launch a “future of gas” proceeding, similar to processes undertaken by Massachusetts and New York in recent years. That process would explore options for shifting more households to electricity for heating, cooking and hot water. 

Source: Citing racial disparities and rising gas rates, groups call for building electrification