Solar Banned by Rural Arizona Officials, Gas Power Plant Approved


Arizona, one of America’s sunniest states, is looking to build a gas-fired power plant, leaving residents and climate advocates heated. In Fort Mohave, locals are pushing back against this fossil fuel fiasco that may pose not just environmental risks, but also health and property value concerns. It’s like watching a rental car agency push horse carriages in the age of electric cars. Let’s call it what it is: retro energy planning that’s as outdated as your grandpa’s power plant.

Fort Mohave Residents Stir Up Protests Against Proposed Gas-Fired Power Plant

A rural community in Arizona’s Mojave Desert, Fort Mohave, is heating up with protests against a proposed gas-fired power plant. This comes after the county officials issued a moratorium on new renewable energy projects last October.

Just weeks after the moratorium, Mohave Electric Cooperative started seeking approvals to build natural gas turbines in this area. Located about 100 miles south of Vegas, this area is one of America’s sunniest spots. The proposed plant would generate 98 MW of electricity, just below the 100 MW threshold that prompts a ‘community forum’ under Arizona law.

The Not In Any Neighborhood group, composed mainly of retirees, argue that the plant, one of the most polluting and expensive electricity sources, should not be built that close to their homes.

They feel that MEC hasn’t been transparent about their plans or responsive to their concerns about the plant’s proximity and its potential impact on their health, safety, property values, and quality of life.

Mixed Messaging on Fossil Fuels vs. Solar Energy

Despite MEC’s claims that their planned Mohave Energy Park is cleaner and more efficient than older models, air quality experts believe it’s not a reasonable choice given the climate change and energy alternatives.

MEC’s promotional materials omit mentioning greenhouse gases like methane or carbon dioxide, or any efforts to mitigate their impacts.

‘To put in any natural gas power plant given our current climate and air quality is insane’

For residents of Sunrise Hills, the priority is to prevent the plant from being built near their homes. Some residents, like Kari Taylor who suffers from debilitating asthma, moved to Fort Mohave for its clean air, only to find themselves in increasingly worse health.

The proposed site is also within three miles of several schools, daycare centers, a senior center, and lands belonging to the Fort Mojave Tribe.

However, MEC executives claim that the plant is necessary to maintain affordable energy reliability in the region and is not related to the ban on solar.

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