Whirlpool Corporation’s Renewable Energy Strategy for North American Operations Secures a Spot on the EPA Green Power List for Green Power Leadership


Whirlpool is racking up green cred like it’s a Coachella wristband, landing spots on three of the EPA’s Green Power Leadership lists. The company is powering up its operations with 301 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy—enough to light up nearly 28,000 homes. All this green goodness is part of Whirlpool’s strategy to reach net zero by 2030: think fewer emissions, more wind turbines in Texas, and a side of solar energy with your morning laundry.

Whirlpool’s Sustainable Energy Strategy Earns EPA Recognition

Whirlpool Corporation’s North American operations were lauded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their renewable energy strategy. Whirlpool made it onto three of the EPA’s Green Power Leadership lists, securing spots No. 60, 14, and 34 on respective lists. Currently, Whirlpool purchases over 301 million kWh of renewable energy annually, equating to 86% of the power needed to run its operations.

The aim is to utilize wind and solar energy on-site wherever feasible, and the company has invested in two virtual power purchasing agreements (VPPAs), Limestone Wind and Mesquite Sky in Texas. These VPPAs are forecasted to generate enough renewable energy to cover 100% of Whirlpool Corporation’s U.S. sites’ electricity consumption once fully operational.

“Adding clean, renewable energy to the grid and reducing the company’s carbon footprint is crucial to our ongoing sustainability initiatives,” said Beat Stocker, Senior Director of Global Sustainability at Whirlpool Corp. “We are delighted to be acknowledged by the EPA for our green power market leadership.”

Whirlpool and other Green Power Partners help reduce air emissions’ negative health impacts, including those related to ozone, fine particles, acid rain, and regional haze by advancing the voluntary green power market. “Onsite renewable energy at our manufacturing facilities is key to our strategy as it contributes to global decarbonization efforts while reducing demand on local and national electricity grids,” said Scot Blommel, Senior Manager of Global Sustainability and Net Zero Program Lead for Whirlpool Corporation.

“This list of the largest users of green power nationwide proves that good business practices can also benefit the environment,” commented James Critchfield, Program Manager of EPA’s Green Power Partnership. “We commend the leading organizations in the Green Power Partnership’s Top Partner Rankings for their significant commitment to expanding their green power use and protecting the environment.”

In 2023, Whirlpool Corp. saw a ~25% reduction in scopes 1 and 2 market-based emissions year-over-year for the last two years, coupled with a ~7% reduction in Scope 3, category 11 emissions from products in use. More details on Whirlpool Corporation’s ongoing environmental sustainability efforts can be found in their 2023 Sustainability Report.

For additional information on Whirlpool, one of the leading kitchen and laundry appliance companies, visit WhirlpoolCorp.com.

Original Story at finance.yahoo.com