How transportation can affect health in Tampa Bay

Source: Axios

More than one in five U.S. adults without access to a vehicle or reliable public transportation missed or skipped a medical appointment last year, according to a report by the Urban Institute.

Why it matters: Transportation is a key social driver of health equity.

  • While telehealth has reduced some transportation barriers, it’s not accessible to all and can’t replace in-person care for all medical needs.

Zoom in: In Tampa Bay, 6.4% of households don’t have access to a vehicle, per the National Equity Atlas.

  • That number jumps even higher for people of color — roughly 11% for Black households and 8% for Latinos.

Zoom out: Nationwide, 21% of adults without access to a vehicle or public transit said they went without needed medical care in 2022, according to the Urban Institute’s report.

  • Though 91% of adults reported they had access to a vehicle, the figure was substantially lower for Black adults (81%), those with low family incomes (78%) or a disability (83%), and people with public health insurance (79%) or no coverage (83%).

Learn more: How transportation can affect health in Tampa Bay