“Super El Niño” is here, but La Niña seems likely. What to expect in the coming months

Source: CNN


Sea surface temperature anomalies are displayed in the area of ​​the eastern Pacific Ocean where a very strong El Niño is present on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Darker shades of orange represent warmer than normal conditions, while shades of blue represent cooler than normal conditions. These ocean temperatures help determine the strength of El Niño.

But the strength of this so-called Super El Niño won’t last long — it has peaked and is on a downward trend, said Michelle L’Heureux, a climate scientist at the Climate Prediction Center.

“We have slightly passed the peak [strength] at this point,” L’Heureux told CNN.

Read more: “Super El Niño” is here, but La Niña seems likely. What to expect in the coming months