The Truth About Offshore Wind: Fighting Misinformation from Fossil Fuel Interests

Offshore wind power is not harmful to people or the environment. Its only drawback is that it affects the profits of the fossil fuel industry. The Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) and its allies are spreading false information to protect the profits of fossil fuel companies and hinder the transition to renewable energy.

The CRI is just one piece of a larger network of think tanks that receive funding from fossil fuel interests. They have launched campaigns falsely blaming offshore wind development for whale deaths along the East Coast. However, scientists have found no evidence linking offshore wind to these whale deaths. These claims are part of a broader strategy to discredit renewable energy and maintain the dominance of fossil fuels.

Despite these efforts, renewable energy is gaining momentum. Wind power, both onshore and offshore, offers significant environmental and economic benefits. It is clean, does not pollute, requires no water, and creates job opportunities. Offshore wind, in particular, holds great promise due to the stronger and more consistent winds over the ocean.

The campaign of misinformation against offshore wind is well-funded and widespread. CRI and its partners use scare tactics and false narratives to instill fear and opposition among the public. Their ultimate goal is to hinder the growth of renewable energy, which poses a threat to the profits of the fossil fuel industry.

It is crucial to recognize these tactics and support the continued development of offshore wind. Clean and renewable energy is essential for a sustainable future. Offshore wind can help reduce pollution, combat climate change, and create jobs โ€“ benefits that far outweigh the interests of the fossil fuel industry.

Do not be deceived by false information. Offshore wind is a vital component of our clean energy future, and supporting it will benefit our environment, economy, and well-being for generations to come.

Read More Here: Caesar Rodney Institute: State Policy Network attacks on offshore wind power