Projected Savings of $1.4 Million Over 25 Years as Savannah Installs New Solar Panels on 14 City Buildings


Savannah’s going eco-chic by decking out 14 city buildings with solar panels, and this isn’t just about fashion (though they do look fabulous in that Georgia sunshine). This power move, courtesy of a deal with Atlanta’s Cherry Street Energy, is projected to save a cool $1.4 million over the next 25 years. So, while we’re here appreciating the glow up, we’re also cheering for the green saved in more ways than one.

Savannah Gears Up for Solar Energy Upgrade, Forecasts Million-Dollar Savings

Our beloved Southern Belle, Savannah, is getting her solar bling on! 14 city buildings are set to receive a serious glow-up with the addition of new energy-saving solar panels. This exciting venture comes with an added bonus – it’s projected to slide a cool $1.4 million back into the city’s pocket over 25 years.

Besties with Benefits: Savannah and Cherry Street Energy

The city’s got an existing relationship with Atlanta-based Cherry Street Energy, and they’re taking their relationship to the next level with this deal. It’s like that feel-good rom-com where the friends realize they’re perfect for each other all along!

Saving Money, Saving the Climate

Not only is Savannah making power moves towards financial savings, she’s also doing her part for the planet. With the adoption of renewable energy, Savannah is cutting down on the carbon footprint and saying “bye, Felicia” to climate change. It’s like she’s getting a fabulous new cut and colour, but the planet gets to benefit too!

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